Sagittarius Season: A quest for knowledge and discovery

On November the 22nd The Sun left the sign of Scorpio and moved into the sign of Sagittarius and it’s going to remain here until the 21st of December.

Sagittarius in a mutable fire sign, ruled by Jupiter, making it the philosopher of the zodiac. Represented by the Archer Centaur, Sagittarius is all about aiming high and seeking truth, wisdom, and new horizons.

Horses figures often held a very important weight in ancient mythology. For example, in many ancient cultures, the horse represented a psychopomp that carried the souls of the dead into the next world. In shamanic practices, the horse was also used by the shaman as a way to travel between worlds and connect with the ancestors and spirits. Horse hair and drums made from horse skin, were used in ceremonies to trigger ecstasy and altered states of consciousness.

The centaur, which is most often linked to Sagittarius, is Chiron, who was known for his wisdom and knowledge of medicine, which also made him become the king of the centaurs. One day, he was accidentally wounded by Hercules using an arrow dipped in the deadly venom of the Hydra. Despite all his knowledge of the healing arts, he wasn’t able to heal himself. He also couldn’t die because he was immortal, but he couldn’t live either because he was in agony. Eventually, Prometheus took pity on him and offered his life in exchange, so Chiron could ascend to the heavens.

As a symbol, the centaur represents the combination of human intelligence and animal instincts. Ideally, the mind and body cooperate, like a horse and its rider; and the intellect responds to the instincts rather than repressing them or trying to control or dominate them.

Sagittarius has a wonderful vision of a meaningful and exciting life, but this often collides with the unfairness of life and the reality of being human in an imperfect world. The limitations of being in a body slow Sagittarius down, especially as they get older, and this inspires the quest to escape and the search for meaning. So the wound represents the shadow side of life – death, decay, and suffering – all the things Sagittarius doesn’t want to think about. However, the pain of the wound creates wisdom, if the person can accept and work with it. So, the wound is a reminder to stay grounded, as we aspire to transcendence.

Also, the bow and arrow has two aspects and you need both for it to work. The bow represents receptivity and stillness, and the arrow is action, inspiration and knowledge. Therefore, in order to be able to hit your target you need to know your direction and be grounded while moving towards it.

Sun in Sagittarius - core of your personality and your essence:

You are a free spirit in a quest for knowledge and you're not here to be labelled or put in a box. You have a thirst for knowledge which pushes you to travel around the world, wanting to learn about new cultures and expand your vision. You are here to share your knowledge with other people in order to raise their consciousness. You inspire us to have an optimistic approach to life, always trying to be curious, adventurous and honest. Your cheerful and open-minded nature often makes you the life of the party or the friend with the most exciting stories

Moon in Sagittarius - your emotional landscape and subconscious:

Your emotional world is playful and thrives on variety, excitement, and learning. When you feel trapped in a place, you might feel disconnected from your soul. Because your soul needs to be free, so when you feel stuck, connect with your faith, with the things that give you optimism and make you laugh. You become alive when you are surrounded by people who light up.

Rising in Sagittarius – your Soul’s purpose on Earth:

You see life like an opportunity to try new things and gain knowledge. People see you like someone adventurous, spirited and wise. Your Soul's purpose is to help humanity ascend through spiritual growth and teaching. When operating at your best, you are a light for many, bestowing your wisdom and teaching to others and enabling them to find their true purpose. The challenge for Sagittarius Rising is to release what is man-made and to find the difference between the Soul and the Ego.

The main Transits of November:

- Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius on the 26th of November

- New Moon in Sagittarius on the 1st of December

- Mercury Cazimi in Sagittarius on the 5th of December

- Venus enters Aquarius on the 7th of December

- Mercury Direct in Sagittarius on the 15th of December

- Gemini Full Moon on the 15th of December


Capricorn Season - Navigating the winter solstice while setting intentions for the new coming year


Scorpio Season - Swimming fearless into the darkest parts of our psyche