Cancer Season - Coming Home to Yourself

Cancer is the first cardinal water sign, bringing emotional intelligence to the zodiac. Cancer archetypal symbol is the Grear Mother, here to heal and nurture – with a strong Yin energy. The greatest challenge for Cancer, in its journey, is to learn how to fill everything that come through the outside world, without closing its own heart.

Often Cancerian people are seen as “weak” due to their ability to feel deeply. At the same time, it is important to remember the symbol of this sing which is the crab.

The crab is very soft in the inside, but it is also covered by a tick and hard shell, which protect them against external enemies. The crab also has two very dangerous chelae, which can be used in order to cut and bend the hardest things. This can be used as a metaphor that Cancerian people are can be either very empathic and nurturing but are also able to defend themselves or their loved ones, when the situation requires it.

The Moon, which represents our emotions and instinctual side, is the ruling planet of Cancer. The Moon also represents the unconscious and our feminine and nurturing side. Therefore, the theme for this month is going to be mostly focus on healing and nurturing yourself and your inner child. This will be a time to completely focus on creating a safe space, recharge your batteries and taking care of yourself.

Sun in Cancer - core of your personality and your essence.

This means that the fundamental traits of Cancer are central to who you are. These individuals tend to be nurturing, empathetic, and deeply connected to their emotions. They often prioritize their home and family life and have a strong sense of loyalty.

Moon in Cancer - your emotional landscape and subconscious

These individuals tend to experience emotions deeply and may have a strong attachment to their past and their origin. They often seek comfort and security in their personal lives and can be very empathetic and caring towards others. Receiving emotional support and understanding from their loved ones is one of the main keys to make them feel safe and supported.

Rising in Cancer – your Soul’s purpose on Earth

These people Soul purpose is learning to nurture and care for others in a responsible manner. When this Rising sign is out of sync or spiritually stunted, it becomes overbearing and motherly to an extreme, projecting its desire to nurture others with such force that it forgets to nurture itself. As Cancer Rising, you are here to take care of others with strength and purpose and understanding when boundaries are necessary.

The main Transits of July:

- Neptune stations retrograde in Pisces & Mercury enters Leo the 2nd of July – Neptune shift, invite us to direct our energy within, redefining the relationship with our intuition and spiritual practice

- New Moon in Cancer on the 5th of July - a time to recharge, give space to our creativity and reflect on our connections and the way we express our emotions with others.

- Venus will emerge as “evening star” on the 10th of July - Following its superior conjunction on June 4th 2024 and being hidden behind the sun for a long time, Venus will start to visible in the western sky, between mid-late July 2024.

- Venus enters in Leo on the 11th of July – This transit will bring a desire to feel seen and appreciated, representing a time to work on our social skills, creativity, and ability to find pleasure in life. This transit will also remind us of the importance to reclaim our connection with our joy and with our childlike enthusiasm.

- Mars enters Gemini on the 20th of July – This transit will bring intellectual restless to our thirst for knowledge and new information. It will be a time to remind us of the power of our thoughts that can either uplift us or bring us down. Also, the power of our words, which can be become weapons if are now use carefully

Full Moon in Capricorn on the 21st of July – the second full moon in Capricorn of this year. This full moon will mark a culmination of a journey on a psychological and emotional level, asking us to re-evaluate all the lessons learn and how can we can move forward in a more structured and organized way to co-create the life that we want.



Leo Season - A time to celebrate ourselves and others


Gemini Season - “Questioning and understanding the world around us with curiosity”